영화대사 번역해주세용
1.You can have this (these snacks 만약 간식이 여러개라면)after the meal(breakfast, lunch, dinner 중 선택)
2. When I came back from from school I could smell bread. It was grandpa. The madeleines tasted somewhat sad.
3. The muffins grandpa made didn’t look good but they tasted quite well.
4. Today there were colorful macarons. They tasted like a rainbow.
5. Today I made cookies with grandpa.But grandpa kept on standing still. It was a little strange. He looked sad in the eyes.
6. Happy birthday dear ye-eun Happy birthday to you!
7.Thanks for the (음식 종류 ex cookies, madeleines 등) (외국에는 잘먹겠습니다 라고 하지 않는대요 할아버지를 바라보며 하는 thanks for the 음식 종류가 제일 자연스러울 것 같아서 이렇게 번역해요!)
8. Today was my birthday. I’m happy grandpa is with me. Thanks grandpa.
9. What’s your favorite from the things I made for you? Madeleines. Why? Just…
10.To all those who are left behind, let our madeleines be passed on
참고, 외국에서는 ~표시를 안쓴대요 그래서 생축 노래할 때는 음표 모양기호를 먼저 넣고 자막을 넣는 걸 추천드립니다(넷플 영자막 참조) 그리고 엄마가 아이한테 말하는 부분에도 ~없는 게 더 일반적일 거 같아요(넣어도 한국의 다정한 말투라는 의미는 안전해질 거에요)
영화가 따뜻한 내용인 거 같은데 잘되길 바라요!! 엔딩 크레딧에 Angie Jo 로 남겨주시면 감사하겠습니다 이메일은 birdyangie@gmail.com 입니다